Company Policies

Absences: We expect our dancers to attend class regularly. All rehearsals, dress rehearsals, company events, and performances are mandatory. If a dancer must miss rehearsal, the instructor should be notified in advance, and the dancer is responsible for learning any information they miss. Company dancers are allowed 3 absences per semester. Additional absences will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Dancers who exceed 3 absences may result in removal from performances.

Etiquette: Dancers should be respectful of classmates and DHDC teachers. This includes arriving on time for class in appropriate attire and practicing choreography outside of class.

Stretching: We have a limited amount of class time to work with dancers on stretching, which is a critical part of dance training. Stretching not only improves lines, but also helps to prevent injuries. Dancers should be stretching about 15 minutes per day on their own time including right/left/center splits, frog stretch, back stretch, feet, and hip stretches.

Dress Code: Company leotard, pink and tan tights, pink ballet shoes, tan jazz shoes, Company warms ups. Hair should be in a neat bun for all ballet classes and a neat ponytail for all other classes and rehearsals.

Classes: Company dancers are required to attend all classes for their company level in addition to one summer intensive or a minimum of 6 private lessons.

Auditions: Company dancers are required to attend an in person or virtual audition to assess level placement for company and ballet classes.

Volunteers: Company parents MUST volunteer to help at one of our events during the season to enroll your dancer in company. A sign up will be sent out at the beginning of the year.